
Art &Design (with Ms. Hadley's class)

On the 4th of December, we went to the Nanjing University Exhibition with Ms. Hadley. We visited the Wu Weishan Cultural Figures Sculpture Gallery of Nanjing Museum, and we learn more about the art and chinese culture here.
The title of the exhibition is "Wu Weishan Cultural Figures Sculpture Gallery of Nanjing Museum". All of the sculptures were made by him. Now because"sleeping baby"he is a famous artist in the world.It finished in 1998 and the size of the artwork is 11cm x 7cm x 81 cm, a small sculpture of bronze. Of course, the color of the artwork is bronze. It feels like ice-cold because of the material and the line is smooth, and the neck in the rough state.The child had fallen asleep with its mouth opened. Mr.Wu couldn't wait any more and finished this artwork immediately because the baby has a lovely face that attractive him extremely . Then,the famous Artwork"sleeping baby"was born.
His works I also like "Laozi exit" This sculpture is 115 × 89cm and make by copper.Laozi is a famous people in the world.According to some historical information and folklore, Laozi exit in Gansu and other places attendance, finally in Lintao of Gansu Province,he is 'soaring'(means fly to the sky...)The sculpture is described Laozi rode a cow, walking slowly forward.

We are so luckly because before we left,we met Mr wu,he taken some photos with us,also he and our teachers exchange of arts and culture,I think Mr wu and his famous artworks will let many people do not forget this great artist.

Cutural about Switzerland.

On Dec .12th, I and some of my classmates and the student’s form Grade 12 went to a Swiss restaurant .The restaurant's name is Bebbis Restaurant.I have collected some of the names of these food from the menu.Cheese fondue,Banana Boat,West cold steak,Bebbis snacks plate and Alps roesti.

Before coming here, some people told me Swiss restaurant is a very good restaurant , When the students in Grade 12 asked us where we want to eat,I chose this restaurants. Most people in our group choose this restaurant .The restaurant gave me the very good impression, they have very thoughtful manner, the layout of the restaurant is good.There are some paintings hanging andSwiss traditional pictures or decorations in the wall.I think that is culture of Switzerland .
I sat beside Candy.The first dish is soup. The soup is added some butter, the taste is very light.The next dish is chocolate fondue. The waiters and waitresses gave us a little bread eat with the dip .It tastes a little strange,Moovie(12-E student) told us maybe we can't get used to the Swiss food.The third dish is pizza. Pizza in this restaurant is same as other restaurant.I didn't eat more.The last food is ice-cream. There were 3 types of ice-cream(Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ) in the plate.

I like this restaurant.I will recommend people to go to the restaurant.